Monday, July 2, 2012

The Little Things

There's a few things that have been making my life a little easier during this deployment the past week:

I don't consider myself  overly sentimental, but I got this keychain right after he left and it's become inordinately important to me. First, let me say that I drive a LOT, to work, to meet friends, to run errands, and every time I pull out my keys, I see this dangling and it reminds me of him. It's a physical thing I can touch and look at to remind me about why I'm doing this. Having something to touch, feel, see when he's gone for provides that daily physical reminder of us. It's become this weird comfort object, like a safety blanket. Any one else have one of these?

Two little girls I nanny, ages 7 and 11, who love exploring with me. 

One of these girls (the 7 year old) drew a picture for me to send to Eric. And yes, those are ears. Love her. 

Seeing plays at a local college with my best friend :) We have plans to see Les Mis in San Francisco this month or next and I am beyond excited.

Sent another care package today, too!

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