Wednesday, February 29, 2012

To Hell and Back Again

This movie trailer made me so so so so incredibly grateful that E will very likely never see any combat, and will mostly just be working on computers inside for the duration of his deployment. It is absolutely terrifying that this is the reality of the aftermath of war for so many soldiers. I don't know if I will be able to watch this movie in full when it comes out simply because its such a sore spot in my heart.

On a happier note this blog makes me cry in the best way possible. Military homecomings have long been a fascination of mine, and watching these videos never fails to make me tear up for happiness for those reunited families. I know he hasn't even left yet, but I'm already eagerly looking forward to experiencing this moment with E.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Before He Goes...

I have a few lists of both practical stuff and fun stuff I want to get out of the way/ go out and do before he leaves. We both have busy schedules right now, me trying to finish my last semester of college, and him with work, but I'd really like to get around to some of this.

First, the practical stuff. We agreed on a budget and frequency of care packages, and have started collecting items we know he will need. One of my more brilliant ideas was to have him start buying two of every body product he replaced (shampoo, face wash, shaving cream, toothpaste, etc) before he leaves and giving me one to hold on to. I've got quite the stockpile now after 3 months, and it will save me the time and money later. We also made sure all of his important information was stored properly and figured out where all of his stuff was going to stay. We do still need to talk about storage options for a couple more things, but its largely figured out.

As for the fun stuff, we live quite close to Seattle right now, though I will be moving home to the San Francisco Bay Area for the duration of his deployment, and theres quite few things on my bucket list before I do. I'd really like to go see at least one more concert with E, and would LOVE to go see the Seattle troll as well as the Kubota Japanese Gardens. I desperately want to go on a Theo Chocolate factory tour, see the public library, go back to the SAM, visit the Frye Museum, and hit a few happy hours in the city. There are some beautiful restaurants with great deals for happy hours and late nights. My favorite thus far has been Toulouse Petit, but there are several others I'm itching to go to. The other thing I've wanted to do here for a long time is go wine tasting in this region, and as E and I share a growing love and appreciation for wine, its something we'd like to do.

Blurry cell phone picture of Seattle from Kerry Park

Maybe we can start devoting some weekend time to these things :) Creating some more good memories is at the top of my priorities list.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

2 Months Before

When Eric told me he'd be deploying back in early December, I couldn't tell anyone about it for days without bursting into tears. It's nearing the end of February now, my birthday is in less than a week, and we have just about 2 months before he's scheduled to leave. I can talk about it without crying now, I can even think about it somewhat peacefully, but I'm still not happy about it. Deployments are a scary thing, to send someone you love thousands of miles away to an often hostile place, not knowing how good communication will be, what life will be like for them there, or how you will cope being left behind at home. And to not even have the option of visiting or reprieve. It's utterly out of our control, and thats terrifying.

This is Eric's first deployment, and mine as well. Although this makes things more difficult, we will have to learn about it together; theres no other choice. Although I still am having moments of panic, pangs of pre-emptive nostalgia, and sleepless nights, I found that the way I cope is through making extensive lists. I've spent more hours researching this experience I'm about to face than I have on homework the past few months, and as a result, have gathered a wealth of resources for myself and anyone else who may be going through a first time deployment.

I'm also looking to document my side of this experience. As much as it will be a journey for him, it will be just as much of a growth process for me. I admit, I've never been good at being alone, and the thought of six months without my best friend and love scares me to death. To combat this, I've begun lists of goals and projects to keep myself busy while he's away. I'll be sharing my progress as well as how I'm handling this time here.

I also have a bit of a creative streak, and care packages made by me are going to be chock full of DIY projects, home made and healthy snacks, and lots and lots of inventive packaging. I haven't seen very many blogs out there who document the making of care packages, and there are even fewer resources about care packages that aren't cliche or focused on heavily processed junk food. I'm aiming to create packages that are interesting, highly detailed, and healthy for my airman. He and I share a penchant for cooking, unique things, and for supporting local and organic, and we are hoping to uphold those ideals through this deployment, even modified.

In short, this will be a journaling of my side of deployment as well as a documentation of the care packages I create and a space for sharing various resources I've collected. We'll see how it goes =D
